Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Free VoIP Service and Paid Plans

VoIP is short for Voice over Internet Protocol. It is basically another name for internet telephony, a method of transmitting speech at a distance through the internet. VoIP calls are cheaper and in some cases, even free. VoIP calls can even be made without a telephone set. Since there are different ways of making calls over the internet, the type of VoIP service depends on certain factors.

One of the biggest advantages of VoIP service is that it draws value from existing infrastructure without having to pay anything extra. Most services offer software for free download to your computer and/or smart phone. You can ask your contacts to use the same VoIP service and download its software. You can then make free computer to computer calls to anywhere in the world as long as the person you want to call is logged on. No matter how long you talk, you pay nothing except for the monthly fee that you already pay to your broadband service.

However, when you want to make a call that requires a connection with the PSTN network, the good old traditional telephone system, or a cellular network, the VoIP service will ask you to subscribe to a paid plan. Most VoIP plans on offer depend upon whether you will be using it for calling within Australia or making overseas calls. Moreover, a VoIP service may have different rates for different countries. The right idea would be to determine your usage before you opting for a paid plan. Pay as you go plans would be better for domestic use. For businesses and individuals who need to call long distance regularly, check for a VoIP service that offers a no-questions-asked monthly plan.

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